Get Ahead of the Curve


Digital Marketing Skills taught by Industry’s top Experts


The Future of marketing is Digital

We’re not just creating courses to teach modern digital marketing, but want to deliver a learning experience that you can share with friends.

Our intention is to provide you with a starting point from which you can start learning a skill to becoming a Master and build a community with other similar-minded people.

Learn From The Comfort of Home!

Start Learning Digital Marketing with Marketerverse. Get Structured Course Content with a Great User Interface.

Social Features like Connections, Groups & Forums, and private messaging among Members.

Earn points for every lesson and quiz you complete and clear your doubts in our community or ask it out on our Forums.

Access Course Content from any Device.

Professional Trainers

Get trained by industry professionals working actively on Projects worldwide who have a clear and strong perspective of the digital marketing foundation.

Understand the working strategies and case studies being used by industry experts.

What makes us Different

Why Marketerverse

01. Learning Experience

Not built with software like that of Teachable and Thinkific like everyone out there with copy and paste Learning websites, But built by piecing together the most powerful and leading-edge Learning Management Systems to give you the utmost in class learning experience.

02. Social Experience

Being Social is the need today, so we tried to do something no one offers, We Kinda mixed the best social features of giants like Facebook and Udemy’s Learning features, and this is what we created.

03. Gaming Experience

After taking so many online classes on platforms like YouTube, Udemy, and Skillshare, we saw that the instructors’ overall value was clear, nevertheless, it was all starting to really feel somewhat BORING to us. Thus we incorporated gaming into the already good mix.

Our Team

Latest Courses

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The Secrets to building WordPress websites

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Facebook Ads for absolute beginners 

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Freelancing Gameplan

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What students say about us


This is the perfect Facebook ads course for absolute beginners! It is easy to follow and provides detailed instructions on how to set up your first campaign. You will learn everything you need to know to get started with Facebook ads and how to optimize your campaigns for success. This course is a must-have for anyone wanting to start advertising on Facebook.

This course is perfect for beginners who want to receive a thorough introduction to WordPress. It goes over everything you need to know, making the course easy to follow. The instructor is inspiring and knowledgeable. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone looking to master WordPress for themselves or for their own business!

If you would like to build a career as a freelancer, this course is just for you. You will learn all of the critical information you need to know to build your career in freelancing. I was impressed with the quizzes and social tools available to assist users in building their professional freelancer careers. This is the perfect course for anyone that wishes to start their freelance career.

Marketerverse academy

Achieve your Goals with us

If you’re sick of your 9-5 and ready to start living your dream life, enroll in our digital marketing courses today. Learn the skills you need to create a passive income and finally live the life you’ve always wanted. Time is money, so don’t wait another day. Enroll now!

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